Pineapple and Gout – How to Get Gout Relief Using Pineapple

How can you use a tropical fruit to cure your gout pain? Many people are skeptical when they hear that using pineapple can cure gout or at the very least ease their symptoms. The trick to getting results through ingesting this fruit is to make sure you use the right source of pineapple and also that you’re consistent. To learn more about pineapple and gout make sure you read on to see how you can get gout relief using this fruit.

What kind of pineapple is right to use? If you want to get the best results and gout relief the best plan of action is to use the freshest fruit you can get your hands on. If you can purchase your own pineapple and slice it raw this is the best way to get fresh fruit that will have the most benefits. This way you can get the pineapple at its prime and make sure you get gout relief faster. However if you can’t get your hands on fresh fruit you can always resort to canned pineapple or juice. If you choose to go with juice make sure you pick a 100% natural juice that’s not filled with sugar or preservatives.

How should you ingest and treat your gout with pineapple? The best way to get gout relief with this fresh fruit is to ingest it frequently and consistently. Three times daily is considered the minimum and standard and if this gets you adequate relief then you will not need to ingest more. However if you feel like you’re not getting the gout relief you need you can of course consume more fruit without any negative side effects. Most people are able to get relief within three days of starting their pineapple gout treatment.

For gout sufferers who want gout relief from their symptoms using fresh fruits is the best way to go. Not only pineapple will work to get results but other fresh fruits as well like grapes, cherries and even celery. The reason these fruits work so well to reduce symptoms is that they are low in purines which means your uric acid levels in your body will be lower, meaning you will have less severe symptoms and gout attacks. Avoiding high purine foods like anchovies, beef and mushrooms is a good idea to prevent future uric acid build up and gout attacks. With easy dietary changes your gout can be eliminated quickly and easily.