Beware, Synthetic Cells and Synthetic Supplements

A group of American scientists have just developed the first synthetic cell, made entirely in the laboratory! They call it Cynthia! What’s more the developers hail this discovery as the commencement of the third industrial revolution. This sounds strange, what do they mean? We suspect, however, this is a message telling us that this man made life form could somehow be “robotized” and we would then have a workforce of drones to do all the work. Indeed a shocking concept, where man is playing at God with the notion that all the bases are covered. Are they?

Most of the food supplements that we buy today are synthetic. When you see that your breakfast cereal has been fortified with essential vitamins and minerals, you can be 100% certain that these “supplements” are laboratory made assert clinical nutritionists. The pharmaceutical companies who manufacture most of this stuff tell you that these are natural life giving vitamins and minerals, but this is simply not true.

Organic Chemists, who staff the pharmaceutical industry, talk about organic in a very different way from a nutritionist or natural health practitioner. In organic chemistry the term indicates that the substance in question originated from a life form because it has an assortment of carbon and hydrogen atoms arranged in a hexane ring. The molecules themselves are made from diatoms. These tiny amoebae like creatures came together and eventually gave birth to all the petroleum on the planet. Although oil is derived from a living mass, this mass lived a very long time ago. Besides who in their right minds would want to sit down and drink gasoline, for example? Organic chemists think this is perfectly all right and base many of their pharmaceutical products on derivatives from the oil industry. The same goes for minerals. Shellfish dead for millions of years decompose to form limestone. The argument is this is a good source of calcium.

Clinical nutritionists and health care practitioners on the other hand says that for a vitamin or mineral to be classified as organic it must be properly assimilable to the human body. It must come from a recently living source and passed through the photosynthesis process, because then the body can absorb it and use it accordingly. The same group also talks about organic foods, but that is another subject. Organic fruit, vegetables and meats have to be grown in a natural environment without being subjected to artificial fertilizers and pesticides.

Tests have shown that synthetic vitamins and minerals lack the life force present in the non-synthetic organic equivalents. Kirlian photography demonstrates that pictures of synthetic compared to non-synthetic food sources are very different. A chromatogram will show you the typical rings of ascorbic acid (synthetic vitamin C) are perfectly regular but to be biologically active a substance has to have intrinsic factors, an irregular shape and strong radiations.During the Korean War American prisoners of war often died of the tropical disease called beriberi. The Red Cross recommended that the prisoners receive Thiamine (Vitamin B1) as a supplement to protect them from the disease. They issued a synthetic form of the vitamin. It simply didn’t work. The problem was solved by the prisoners themselves who started to eat the husk of the rice ration. This contained Thiamine from a living source and the scourge of beriberi was abated.

To be health effective we must really chose a nutritional supplement that comes from a natural source. It seems that synthetic substances are considerably less effective and in some cases downright harmful. If this is the case of synthetic food substances what do you suppose is going to happen to synthetic life forms? Isn’t it time we stopped playing God, because we really do not understand what forces we’re are unleashing.